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An interview with the authors of Dynamic thermal modelling of basic bl
South African authors cont | South African Publishing companies contA variety of well know authors of books on South Africa
BookBaby Blog | Book Writing Tips | How To Publish A BookThe BookBaby Blog provides book writing tips such as how to publish a book for authors of all kinds. Here is where writers become authors.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement | AAuthors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented correctly in the paper. A pap
When Engaged Employees Meet Engaged CustomersThe authors of Human Sigma: Managing the Employee-Customer Encounter tell why people are the fulcrum of profitability and why it s tempting to replace workers with machines -- and why you really, really shouldn t.
GenoHouse @ AMK | Structured Science Tuition | SingaporeFounded in 2011, GenoHouse is a Science Specialist in Singapore where all Science Tuition Enrichment Programmes are designed and taught by Authors of the Best-Selling Science Assessment Books in Singapore.
26 of the best kids' books of 2019List of the best children’s' books chosen by authors of bestsellers like 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid ' including picture books, graphic novels and YA books.
The Dragon Page | Conversations with Authors of Science Fiction and FaThe archives of the seminal book talk show, and one of the oldest podcasts on the internet.
Western FictioneersAn organization of professional authors of Western novels and short stories.
Faculty Members - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEThe lecturers of City C. U. Shah Commerce College are highly qualified, experienced and learned persons. Most of them are authors of text books and other subjects. The Principal, S. K. Trivedi, a vast experience to his c
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